Thursday, July 28, 2016

Southern Fried Okra.....well, sort of!

Who doesn't like fried okra?  Ok, well maybe people from the north, but if you are like me, a good ole southern girl, you LOVE fried okra.  Being diabetic though, this is not something that would be on your list of things to eat. The corn meal would add too many carbs to make it a good choice.  HOWEVER, I have found a way, thanks to my sister, to have fried okra.

Wash and cut the okra just like you would if you are frying it.  Roll the cut okra in a beaten egg. Then, roll the okra in grated Parmesan cheese.....yes, the kind in the shakeable can.  Heat a skillet with a small amount of oil.  I use olive oil because it is best for you.  Put the okra in and fry it up.  It tastes just like regular fried okra, but has a small amount of carbs.....about 7 per cup.  The parmesan crisps up just like corn meal would.  Add salt and pepper, and eat it up!  It is absolutely DELISH!!!!