Friday, October 21, 2022

New Tabs

 I have added 2 more pages to my blog that I hope will be beneficial.  They are right beside the recipes tab, below the title of my blog.  

I added a Low Carb Links tab.  Here you can find links to YouTube channels where you can find low carb recipes. Not all of the recipes are low carb, so you will need to search for those which are keto. I felt that providing links would give y'all more resources, and we ALL need resources!  It was also easier to just post a link to their channels than it would be to copy each recipe and try to give directions on how to make it.  They do this for you with their videos.  I will still make some posts about great recipes I find or use, and I will provide a link directly to the recipe (if there is one), as I did in the previous post.

The second tab I added is a Diabetic Information tab.  Here I am putting videos and web pages that provide useful information for those trying to navigate diabetes. Dieticians do NOT give you helpful information.  Sorry....not sorry!! I research for solid information that will help.  The dietician I saw when first diagnosed told me that I could eat a poptart for breakfast, if that's what I wanted, because it was less than 35 carbs.  Now, I'm no doctor or dietician, but I knew immediately that was NOT the correct thing to do.  Many don't take the time to explain what actually needs to be done to be successful and to keep you off medication. Aaaaaaaaanyway....I could go on about that for a long time, but I'll spare you. 😁

I will be adding to both tabs as I find content that I use and think will be helpful.  Hope this helps y'all!

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