After hearing from my doctor's office on September 3rd that my A1C was 11.5, I knew he was going to want to put me on insulin. I determined that it was not going to happen. He said my sugar was averaging 300. I immediately called my sister to find out how her husband had lowered his A1C back during the summer. She sent me an email with things that he did. The most important thing, that I would find out later, was to make sure that I was eating mostly protein for breakfast. I had been eating a packet of oatmeal...28 carbs....but my sugar was still going off the charts. I was eating a wrap for lunch....10 carbs....with meat and lettuce. For dinner I was eating some kind of meat, a steamed veggie, and a salad. I had been doing this for about a month when I had my A1C done. It was still through the roof. I was keeping my carbs at 35 or under, but it was not lowering my sugar levels. On Sunday, September 7th, I began my journey. I started the day with a scrambled egg and 2 pieces of bacon. For lunch, I had a hamburger patty with mustard and pickles, and some lettuce. For dinner I had a steak with steamed veggies, and lettuce. My sugar was still a little elevated, but within the limits of what the ADA says is ok. I followed this pattern for about 2 weeks, then I introduced frozen blueberries into my diet. I would eat a small bowl of them in the evening if I was hungry after dinner. My sugar was still staying down. I have to tell you, I had to check the bag several times to make sure there was no sugar added. They were so sweet since I had not had any sugar in 2 weeks! Before I started eating this way, my sugar was around 180 in the mornings when I woke up. After 2 weeks of eating this way, it was right at 100 or lower!
Another thing I did, which I know was the reason for my success, was to get everyone I know praying for me and my health. I had people all over praying for me. I also listened to the Bible on CD each night as I was going to sleep. God's word is healing, and I know He was touching me and strengthening me. I could have done NONE of this without God!
I knew that I was loosing weight, but was not sure exactly how much. My clothes were getting very loose. One of the secretaries at the school where I teach told me one day that it was time to get some smaller clothes because mine were hanging off me! When I actually went shopping about 3 weeks after changing my eating, I had dropped 4 sizes and I had lost about 40 pounds! My sugar levels were normal and staying that way.
I continued eating this way until Thanksgiving Day. My husband took me out to eat for Thanksgiving so I would not have food left over in the house. I ate normal, and my sugar only went up to about 200....and that was with chocolate cake! I ate pizza the next day, and again my sugar only went up to about 200. Now, I know 200 is not where my sugar should be, but considering that it was averaging 300 less than 3 months before, I felt it was great! I also ate normal on my birthday. I had Popeye's Chicken, and a piece of Boston Cream Pie! Again, sugar only around 200!
I had an appointment scheduled for December 8th to have my A1C checked again. My doctor was shocked when he saw me. He said, "You're only half the woman I know!" HAHAHA!!! I told him what I had been doing, and he was impressed. He told me that most people when they hit double digit A1C levels, there was no turning it around. They were insulin dependent for the rest of their lives. I told him that was not happening! He said that we would be happy if my A1C was down to at least 7. When I got the results the next day.....it was 6.5!!!!! The nurse told me he put a note on the results that said ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! She is diabetic, too, so she asked me what I had been doing. I told her everything, and she wrote it down. She said she was going to stop by the store on her way home!
I have decided to write this blog to share my journey. I am learning new things every day. I am trying new things....some work....some don't. I hope that I can help others that are like I was..... discouraged and giving up!